There are lots of issues with signalled speeds on this route. Turn off ACSES (Ctrl Enter) and drive to signal aspects particularly after exiting tunnel towards Secaucus on the down until after Rahway. On the up, turn off after Jersey Avenue or New Brunswick and particularly if stopping at Metropark and turn back on after Metropark.
Alternatively, turn off ATC and leave ACES and Alerter on.
40mph into platform and take 10lb of brake EQ pressure
New York Penn
- Depart NY Penn Station, running brake test
- 15
- 20
- 60 in tunnel
- 75 tunnel exit
- 90 end of left curve after tunnel
- Secaucus - Brake at platform, take 12-14 lbs, adjust as needed.
- Coast for 60 - 1 mile ahead
- Slight right curve brake for 60 ahead
- 60 over lift bridge
- 90 - ignore - 60 1 mile ahead
- 60 - slight right curve with 2 OHB
- Harrison Yard on left - brake for 45 ahead
- 45 - left curve end of Harrison
- Big lift bridge
- 35 into Newark Penn
- Newark Penn - slow stop, min brake at start of platform should be more than enough
Newark Penn
- 35 to 70
- 110 after left curve with OHB
- Newark Airport - If 65 mph, brake at last overpass before platform, take 15 lbs, adjust as needed.
- Newark Airport - If 45 mph, brake at platform, take 12-15 lbs, adjust as needed.
Newark Liberty Airport
- Accel to 95 - 80 ahead
- R/C
- North Elizabeth - 45 mph, Brake just before platform, take 15 lbs, adjust as needed.
North Elizabeth
- Elizabeth - Brake when hit platform, take 12-15 lbs, adjust as needed.
- 80 - end of Elizabeth platform
- 70 in dog leg (80 Acela)
- 125
- Linden - Brake at automatic signals west of B&O bridge, take 10-12 lb reduction, adjust as needed.
- Coast to 110 for Rahway
- Rahway - Brake at platform, take 10-15 lbs, adjust as needed.
- 110 (maybe 125 for Acela)
- Slight R and L curves approaching..
- Metropark - Brake at Iselin, take 15 lbs, take additional 5-10 lbs just before platform, adjust as needed.
- 95 L/C after Metropark (Acela 100)
- R/C into...
- Metuchen (short platform) - Brake when you see Grove Ave overpass on curve just before Lincoln home signals, take 15-20 lbs, additional 5 lbs at platform if needed.
- 110 - ignore
- 80 - R/C (90 Acela)
- 90 - L/C
- 110
- 125
- Edison - Brake halfway between interlocking switch and Edison west home signals, take 12-15 lbs, adjust as needed.
- 2 slight left curves and viaduct into...
- New Brunswick - Brake at start of Raritan River Bridge, take 20 lbs, take additional 4-6 lbs just before the platform (HIGH SPEED STOP).
New Brunswick
- Viaduct
- Yards and electrical switch yard on right
- 150 Acela
- Jersey Avenue (short platform) - Brake halfway through County interlocking, take 12 lbs, adjust as necessary.
Jersey Avenue
- Long straight (after a slight left curve)
- Slight L/C curve before longer R/C
- Control point and sidings - Monmouth Junction
- Long straight
- Princeton Junction - Brake at start of shuttle pocket track to right. Take 12-15 lbs, adjust as necessary (HIGH SPEED STOP).
- 135 Acela just after Princeton Junction
Princeton Junction
- Long straight
- Hamilton - Brake just before disused signal bridge after I-295 overpass, 26 lb reduction by the time you pass the signal bridge (HIGH SPEED STOP).
- Start coasting for Trenton
- Cab speeds will start reducing
- 110 signal bridge 1.5 miles from...
- 110
- 125 (135 Acela)
- Hamilton - Brakes end of industry siding, take 15 lbs, take another 5 lbs if needed at bridge (HIGH SPEED STOP).
- Long straight
- Princeton - Brakes at second CIL Box after CP Clark, if doing track speed, take 15 lbs, take 5-10 more at 3rd CIL box if needed (HIGH SPEED STOP).
Princeton Junction
- 150 Acela
- Monmouth Junction
- 135 Acela
- L/C
- Adams yard on right
- R/C
Jersey Avenue
- Viaduct
- New Brunswick - If 100 mph, brakes 1/4 mile before automatic signal 3/4 mile away from platform, take 15 lbs, adjust as needed (HIGH SPEED STOP).
- New Brunswick - If 70 mph, brakes at automatic signal 3/4 mile away from station, take 15 lbs, adjust as needed.
New Brunswick
- Bridge over Rariton River
- Edison - Brakes at Suttons Lane road bridge about 1/2 mile out from station, take 15-20 lbs, adjust as needed.
- Brake for 110 ahead
- 110
- R/C
- 90
- R/C
- 80
- L/C
- 110
- Metuchen (short platform) - Brakes at end of curve before Lincoln Interlocking home signal, 6-10 lbs, adjust as needed.
- 95
- L/C
- 105
- 90
- R/C
- 110
- R/C into...
- Metropark - Brake at start of curve before Menlo home signal, take 6 lbs, take additional 8-10 lbs at Menlo, take additional 6-8 lbs just before platform, if needed (HIGH SPEED STOP).
- L/C, kink then long straight
- McGraw Yard on right and Long Branch Junction
- 70 if on local line to stop at Rahway which has a short platform
- Rahway - Min brake, 6 lb reduction, at Union Interlocking, adjust as needed.
- 125
- Linden Yard on right
- Linden has a short platform
- Linden (short platform) - Brake at automatic signal and the end of CSX yard, take 10-15 lbs, adjust as needed.
- Coast for 80 ahead
- Brake at iron truss overhead bridge
- 80
- Keep braking to 70
- 70 just before L/C
- R/C
- Elizabeth - Brake when you see the platform lol, take 15 lbs, adjust as needed.
- 110
- North Elizabeth - Brake when hit 55 mph, take 15-20 lb reduction, adjust as needed.
North Elizabeth - OHB
- Accel to 90 and coast for 70 - 2 miles ahead
- Ramp on right for local line
- Bottom of ramp on right begin a little above minimum braking
- 45 bottom of ramp on local line
- Newark Airport - Brake just after switch for track A diverging (Lane East), take 12-15 lbs, adjust as needed.
Newark Liberty Airport
- 70 just before R/C and keep braking for...
- Probably approach limited
- 30 approaching Newark Penn Station
- Newark Penn - Slow stop, min brake at start of platform should be more than enough.
Newark Penn Station
- 45
- Harrison
- R/C
- 60 on straight
- Yard on right
- Ramp and L/C
- 90 on straight - ignore due to 60 1 mile ahead
- 60 Portal Bridge
- 90 - Accel to 75 unless stopping at Secaucus
- Secaucus - Brake at platform, take 12-14 lbs, adjust as needed.
- 60 BP at entry to double track from triple
- 75 - keep braking
- R/C
- Brake to 55
- 60 - entrance to tunnel
- Dynamic brakes 8 for down hill in tunnel
- Signal speeds down to 45, 30 and 20
- 15 at end of tunnel
New York Penn
- 98 Miami - NY Penn leaving Trenton at 10:05 - gets stuck behind AI at Edison. Can be played by spawning at Trenton at 10:00
98,642,3930,3210,3222,3234,6222,3825,3936,3228,3828 - From Dovetail Forums at